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country flag Unnamed street

Latitude : 37.41166036833196
Longitude : -108.40011252279629
Length : 266.006 m(s)
surface : unpaved
azimut at the beginning of the street (in degres) : 100 °
azimut at the end of the street (in degres) : 111 °
Way of the street two way street

Is located in : Dolores
zipcode : 81328
Is located in place : Millwood
Is in administrative division : Colorado

first administrative division : Colorado
second administrative division : Montezuma County

source : OSM
Openstreetmap id : 615403718

Type of street : Service

House Numbers : 35135 | 35561

About : Gisgraphy is a TOTALLY FREE open source framework. Since 2006, Gisgraphy is a free, open source framework that offers the possibility to do geolocalisation and geocoding via Java APIs or REST webservices. Actually it manage Geonames and OpenStreetMap (42 million entries). It provides importers, Geocoding, Reverse geocoding, street search, address parsing, fulltext and find nearby (web)services. Results can be output in XML, Atom, RSS, JSON, PHP, Ruby, and Python. See project 's home page. IMPORTANT : DON'T use this site to bench or download data. if we do this, your IP address will be list here first, and it will be BLACKLISTED if necessary..
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